I got tagged last week by Miss Priss over in prissyland. So here goes, a little bit more about me!
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) smoothie maker (started out in frozen fruit!) at Nectar
2) photographer's assistant3) organic chemist
4) technical writer
Four movies I could watch over and over:
1) Elf (I know, all my friends have been forced to watch it with me numerous times, but it is great with hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies -and it's Will Ferrel as an elf, where can you go wrong???)2) Little Miss Sunshine
3) Stranger than Fiction
4) Enchanted -yes I am a sappy goofball that loves feel good goofy movies :)
Four places I have lived
1) San Diego, California (my fav)
2) Barrow, Alaska (not my fav!)
3) Berkeley, California
4)La Jolla, California (I know, that's pretty close to SD)
Four TV shows I watch
2) Daily 10/celebrity 'news' (I know, I know -I gotta have a few guilty pleasures!)
3)America's Next Top Model -another guilty pleasure!
4) science channel shows -especially with that physics guy who is in every special (if you are a nerd-or super intelligent ;)- you know who I'm talking about!)
Four people who email me regularly
1) miss priss
2) my pops
3) my hubby
4) ms helen over at craftyprayer
Four favorite foods
1) cashew chicken with plum sauce
2) mango sorbet (I hate the texture of mangoes, but love the flavor, so sorbet is perfect and refreshing)
3) any breakfast food with eggs over medium, I will eat this any time of day
4) spaghetti when my hubby makes it
Four places I would rather be right now
1) snorkeling in Hawaii
2)at the beach (which I could probably head down to today...)
3) taking a nap in the backyard with Mia....
4) I am pretty content since I am in my craft room right now! ;)That was a long tag! Next person to be tagged:
Helen over at Craftyprayer -You are it!